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July 27, 202402:24:07

Free-form Friday 07-26-2024 Ch-Ch-Changes!

It's Free-form Friday! Things are crazier by the minute! We now have a new presumptive Democratic nominee and everyone is trying to forget about an assassinations attempt! Mark and Eric are trying to sort all of this out along with recent news. Nathan Hochman joins as well to discuss his campaign for District Attorney in Los Angeles. ************************************************************* πŸ’₯ Join us for our first West Coast Meet-up in Brea, CA on the 50th Anniversary of President Richard N...

July 23, 202402:06:22

Biden Dropout News: Mastermind Behind Trump Assassination Attempt?

In a stunning turn of events, recent news suggests a potential connection between Biden's dropout and a possible mastermind behind the Trump assassination attempt. What could this mean for the future of American politics? Is there any truth to these shocking claims? Join Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert of America's Untold Stories as they delve deep into the latest developments, uncovering hidden truths and exploring the implications of these allegations. Stay tuned to get all the facts and underst...

July 20, 202402:21:16

Free-form Friday 07-19-2024 | Attempted Assassination, RNC Convention, and more news!

What a completely insane week this has been! An assassination attempt on Donald Trump, documents case against Trump dismissed, the RNC Convention, Joe Biden with Covid and may be stepping down... Let's try to get through it! ************************************************************* πŸ’₯ Join us for our first West Coast Meet-up in Brea, CA on the 50th Anniversary of President Richard Nixon's resignations! It's right near the Nixon Library! Find out more and get tickets at https://americasuntold...

July 16, 202401:57:04

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Trump Secret Service Vs JFK Secret Service

Special Guest Vince Palamara joins Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley of America's Untold Stories to explore the breakdowns of the Secret Service that led to the assassination of John F Kennedy and nearly cost the life of former President Donald J Trump! You don't want to miss this analysis! Check out Vince Palamara on YouTube at @VincePalamarasecretservicejfk Pre-order Vince's Book (affiliation link) ************************************************************* πŸ’₯ Join us for...

July 12, 202402:04:21

Free-form Friday 07-12-2024

It's Free-form Friday! The news isn't slowing down at all! Let's sort it out! 0:46: πŸŽ™οΈ Discussion about upcoming interview on 20/20 with convicted killer cop Stephanie Lazarus. 11:10: βš–οΈ Legal drama unfolds in the Baldwin case as Carrie Morrisy testifies about hiding evidence. 20:45: 🎀 Event details and schedule for Free-form Friday 07-12-2024. 30:45: πŸ¦… Discussion on personal background, political affiliation, and living in Portland vs. DC. 39:56: πŸ’‘ Update on potential VP candidates for Trum...

July 09, 202400:33:15

The Hidden Role of Ruth Paine in the JFK Assassination

In this exclusive interview at the Citizens Against Political Assassinations (CAPA) Conference, Mark Groubert of America's Untold Stories sits down with Max Good, the visionary behind the documentary "The Assassination and Mrs. Paine." This film delves deep into the enigmatic life of Ruth Paine, a key figure linked to Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Max Good provides an in-depth look at Ruth Paine’s intriguing involvement with Oswald and her possible connect...

July 05, 202401:53:15

Free-form Friday 07-05-2024

It's Free-form Friday! As we continue the holiday weekend, let's catch up! Check out our Art Detective episode which will be featured on 20/20 0:23: πŸ’° Financial disparities among minority groups in California lead to lack of access to banking services. 9:21: πŸ’₯ Political tension escalates as the President challenges Democrats to act swiftly. 17:02: βš”οΈ Intense battle between Dick Dickerson and 556 PE Pew over memberships during a live broadcast. 26:12: πŸ“°...